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Lots of stuff and a monday funday with G$…


When I’m extremely swamped and frustrated at work, I sometimes like to distract myself from doing actual work by whipping out quick posts about nothing in particular so I feel as though I’ve accomplished something.

Here’s another one of those numbers for anybody interested in reading about the mundaneness that is my life.

Here I am not working at work:


Here I’m hard at work taking a selfie like a 14 year old girl…

Family, friends and even some astute long time readers may notice that I am wearing glasses. Yes, these are official prescription glasses (my first pair ever) so I’m feeling like a 40 year old piece of falling apart crap right now. I had readers at one point last month, but they were not getting the job done so I broke down and got these bad boys.

Picking out glasses is a pain in the ass.





Yes???? No.

Yes???? No.

And so on it went at the optometrist’s office until we’d had enough and decided eating lunch someplace would be more fun than looking for glasses.

When I finally caved, I went ahead and bought some online at this joint called Coastal.com. I’m not paid to endorse this company and I have no idea if my experience was any good or not because, like I said, I’ve never bought glasses before. But, they sent my glasses pretty quickly, they look good enough for me, and it only set me back just under $19.

If you need glasses and have never bought from them before, they have a good selection of free glasses for first time buyers. You just pay for shipping. You’re welcome!

Monday was Veteran’s Day and I got to do one of my favorite things in the world, namely, spending the day one on one with one of my kids.

It was G$’s turn again since the older kids both had school.

Long time readers might be grinning ear to ear right now because you think there is going to be a rant or funny story about G$ shenanigans. While he certainly has given us our share of headaches, whether it be by eating sex jellybeing a toddler, or cracking his melon open, he’s much better now.

He wanted him some pancakes for breakfast, so we started the day at IHOP. After wolfing down his Rooty Junior and most of my sausage, G$ did manage, even though there was probably 200 square feet of non disgusting parking lot to walk on, to step on a discarded condom.


Why the fuck is there a discarded condom in the parking lot of IHOP?!!!!

It wasn’t there when I got out of the car, I’m sure of it. I’d have seen it because things like that draw me in subconsciously. I guess somebody had a quickie right there in broad daylight and didn’t have the decency to use the nearby trash receptacle.

So, he stepped in it, accidentally, and I scrubbed that little shoe as best I could so that he wouldn’t give my headrest herpes or some other awful STD. I sort of regret not having taken a picture of it now, just for you guys. Oh well.

Then we visited with grandma while she was at work teaching preschoolers whatever it is she teaches them before heading to the local state park for some free entertainment.

Here we are at the World Bird Sanctuary. It’s free and it’s fun and you should totally check it out if you’re ever in the St. Louis area.

We were totally the best looking guys there!

We were totally the best looking guys there!

Oh, and there are lots of birds there too.

I'm all majestic and shit like that...

I’m all majestic and shit like that…

Then we went next door to drive through Lone Elk Park where, if I was to be given a dollar for every elk I saw, I would have zero dollars.

We did see some buffalo though. This one was pooping.

Go behind a tree, jerk!

Go behind a tree, jerk!

It’s really a pretty park, and I have seen elk there before, I swear it.

So all in all, we had a great day. It started to rain and I had to pick Cool up from school, so the boys ended they day as they always do lately, namely driving themselves batty with Mario Karts. God I hate that game.

Never you mind the mess!

Never you mind the mess!

While the boys rotted their brains with video games, I did the same with Bud Light Lime while I made some sketti for dinner.

Like I said, it was a good day.

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