Family vacation…it sure beats working?
I checked out this site and noticed that a post hadn’t been added since July 11th, and that post was a Daily Prompt number. July 10th was the last unprompted post on the blog, and...
View ArticleJust writing SOMETHING, oh, and maybe run another 1/2 marathon.
For the love of fuck, I just can’t seem to jump start my brain into conjuring up anything funny, creative, meaningful, stupid, or even mediocre, to write lately. I’ve scrapped numerous shitty blog...
View ArticleBack in the saddle again…oh, and i ran 13.1 miles, in a row!
I hope you sang that first half of the title as per the song all twangy like and that it’s stuck in your head all day, otherwise, you did it wrong. I’ve been away from this blog for several weeks other...
View ArticleLots of stuff and a monday funday with G$…
When I’m extremely swamped and frustrated at work, I sometimes like to distract myself from doing actual work by whipping out quick posts about nothing in particular so I feel as though I’ve...
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